User Labels module [beta]

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A fully configurable module that allows your users to reward or punish other users with labels that are sticked next to the user name almost everywhere on the website.

Click on the link to label a post author
Pick a label that fits the user
Presto! Label is set after a rules check

Labels are made out of images added to the gallery with certain hashtags. When the hashtags matches the ones in the settings, the images are processed on the label templates and then added to the collection. 

Creating labels is as easy as:

1. Go to the Media gallery
2. Set details and pick a file to upload
3. Check the file was properly uploaded
4. Go to the labels page and rejoice!

Labels will appear next to the user display name in most places of the website once they're sticked to the user. You can set the minimum level required to stick labels or even make them, for how log they will remain static, how many labels of the same type are needed to effectively stick them to someone and other rules. Everything is explained on the module's settings page once installed on your website.

Latest changes:

[0.2.4] - 2021-08-01

  • Fixed wrong labeler link on the consensus list.

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