MH Magazine Lite template

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This is our second delivery for responsive, non-flat and totally free templates cooked aside from the base ones.

It is based on the free, open source version of MH Magazine Lite from MH themes. Some quirks were added to give the template the same usability of all BardCanvas base templates.

Honoring the work of the original authors, the template is released under the terms of GPL, free for personal or commercial use.

Main features

  • Has the standard BardCanvas templates behavior: collapsible right sidebar, responsive and with all mod/admin commands at hand.
  • Note: it doesn't include the left sidebar.
  • You can insert your own icon/logo and customize the text and links at the header.
  • It comes with a default background image, but you can upload and set your own.
  • The home page can be configured to show either a custom index of posts (grouped by category), the standard posts index or even both!
  • The custom index on the home page can be set to specific categories.
  • Comes with customizable footer sections.


💡 Important: after installation, you must go to the settings page, select/apply the template and, after the page is reloaded, walk over the template options to customize it.

Warning: this module requires the BardCanvas core version or greater (released on July 29, 2017. Current version: released on 2025-03-19 18:18:10). Make sure to update your installation before downloading this template.

Package info

Latest changes:

[1.0.11] - 2021-04-20

  • Tuned the contact section on the user profile home.

View full changelog

Feature-based Tags: #Responsive #Magazine #RightSideBar #Slider #FeaturedPosts #AdminControls #EditableOptions #ExtendedFooter #IncludesHeader

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